Monday, March 1, 2010

T.E.D Prize

After watching the TED videos, it got me thinking what I would do to change the world. There are so many things that could be changed; pollution, natural resources running out, and poverty just to name a few of problems the world is facing. If I won the TED prize I would focus on the United States first. The US has a lot of their own problems that as a country need to fixed. The two main problems I would try to fix is the obesity problem that we are facing. Second, I would like to work on something to help the Hispanic learn English. There are many other problems that the US is facing, but these are the two I feel would make a big difference if solutions were found.

After watching the Jamie Oliver video I believe that obesity is a big problem that we have in the United States. I think that we need to start at young age educating people about healthy choices. Parents need to teach their kids to eat health from the get go. Once they are taught to eat healthy at home; we can keep it going by enforcing those habits in school. I don’t mean just at lunch but in the classrooms as well. We need to teach the youth how to take care of their bodies and provide them with the necessary nutrients. Teaching them how to cook the right foods would be a good start. I think that every school at some point should show the movie Super Size Me. It will make to you think twice about going to a fast food restaurant.

The second thing I would do is try to find away to help the Hispanic population that doesn’t speech English to learn how to speak English. I say this because for two summers I work in a factory where 90 percent of the employees were Hispanic. Out of those 90 percent, only about 10 percent of those could speak English well. It was so hard to work with people that I could not understand. This made it hard for the production line to get the product out efficiently. I think that companies or the government need to do something to help get everyone on the same page.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the fact that the US has a huge obesity problem. It is a problem that starts from the get go. Parents not feeding their children right, parents themselves not eating right, and so on and so on. It would be a good idea to have some sort of education on it in school at a young age. Really I believe that it needs to start with the parents being more responsible and taking the time to cook good meals instead of just ordering out or making quick, easy, unhealthy foods. On your second part of your blog. People who can't speak the English language. I also had to work with Hispanics while roofing in Denver, CO. It was not easy working together when you can't understand what they want you to do or vise a versa. There should be a basic English test that they should pass if the jobs requiers communication to get the job done.
