First, I would like to say that this is a pretty cool thing they are doing for the young. The one thing that stuck in my head was something he said in the beginning about how they let the kids "pick up sticks, hammers, and other dangerous things." Another thing that he said on the same topic was that they are trusted not to hurt themselves or the other people around them.
I like this concept for a couple of different reasons. The first is the kids are being treated as an adult and are being trusted with "big boy tools." I think that a child will take that as "wow; they trust me to use these tools." I think a child will see this as a big deal, to be given that trust. It gives them self confidence to do things on their own, instead of having people always telling them how to act and do things. This way they can new try things on their own and not have to worry if they are doing things the right or wrong way.
This camp also gives them the tools they will need to be successful in life. What I mean is that someone is not always going to tell them what to do for their whole life. This camp teaches them independence at an early age. It will give them the life skills that they will need to be functional in society. Also it will make them less likely to be dependent on someone to help them with things.
Having been a child who was allowed to explore different paths in life (in other words, I was not always told exactly what to do), I have to agree with your thought that when children have the opprotunity to do so they can learn from their mistakes and grow into more functional adults. I've made some doozies, and learned from every one of them!