Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cause and Effect: Binge drinking in college

When someone thinks of the state of Wisconsin a couple things come to mind; Packers, cheese, and of course beer. When someone thinks of college in Wisconsin they think of some of the biggest party schools in the nation. It is no wonder people think that Wisconsin college students have bad drinking habits, with events like Halloween on State Street and Mifflin Street Block Party that take place in Madison. Let’s take a more local view with the La Crosse area. La Crosse has events like Oktoberfest, Beer, Wine, and Cheese Festival, and the Kul Duel. It is no wonder other states think Wisconsin students drink in large quantities. When taking just Madison and La Crosse Wisconsin in to consideration there are a lot of opportunities to drink, drink large quantities.

When examining pop culture in terms of binge drinking in a college setting there are a lot of things that seem to make it ok to do. Take a look at movies over the years, with movies like Animal House, College, and America Pie Beta House. They all have scenes in them where college students take binge drinking to the extreme. Rapper Asher Roth’s writes about binge drinking in his song, I love College. With lyrics like “pass out at three, wake up at ten, go out to eat then do it again”, “So fill up my cup, let’s get f*ck up”, “Hold the beer bong, nothing wrong with some fun even, if we did get a little bit too drunk, Time isn't wasted when you're getting wasted”. These movies and songs make the youth think that when they get to college that is how they need to act to be cool or fit in. That binge drinking is an acceptable behavior.

This paper will present some facts about binge drinking behavior in college students along with some of the consequences of binge drinking. It will also give a personal experience about binge drinking in college. Binge drinking starts around the age of 13, and tends to become more extreme with age. It normally increases in young adults, ages 18 to 22. After young adulthood binge drinking behavior is likely to decrease. Binge drinking is four to five drinks in one sitting. Even with laws in every state not making it ok to drink before the age of 21, minors say it is easier than one would think, to get alcohol. High school and college students say,” they drink with one goal, which is to get drunk”. This is what the U.S Department of Alcohol and Drug said. In 2005 about 10.8 millions students in the age group of 12-20 reported drinking alcohol in the past 30 days. Of the 10.8 million surveyed, 7.2 million were binge drinking and 2.3 million of them were heavy drinkers. 44 percent of students attending a four year college drinks at a binge drinking level or higher. Many college presidents say that binge drinking is the biggest problem that they have on their campus. Harvard School of Public Health did a study in 2000 about why students binge drink; and here are some of the responses, like stated early, the biggest reason is to get drunk, status associated with drinking, culture of alcohol consumption on campus, peer pressure, and academic stress.

The facts of binge drinking have been presented. Now the side effects of such drinking need to be examined. Students think that binge drinking is all about fun and having a good time, but they do not realize the negative effects it has on their body and school. Students that binge drink are 21 time more likely to miss class, fall behind in their classes, damaged property, have injuries, have unplanned sex, have unprotect sex, drive under the influence, and have trouble with campus police or the police in general. The biggest thing that binge drinking can do to the body is cause alcohol poisoning. Signs of alcohol poisoning are vomiting, temperature change from hot to cold, clammy palms, flush skin, and slowed breathing. When someone consumes a large amount of alcohol the brain is deprived of oxygen. It struggles to deal with an overdose of alcohol and lack of oxygen will eventually cause the brain to shut down the voluntary functions that regulates breathing and the heart rate. That is what is called a blackout. The information about the side effects of binge drinking was taken from the U.S Department of Health and Human Service of Alcohol and Drug.

An interview of a student at the University Wisconsin La Crosse, Matt Karbula, was conducted. Questions about his drinking habits were asked. In one weekend (Thursday-Saturday) how many drinks do you have? He said “about 20”. The next question was, why do you drink? “It leads to enjoyable times, and giving into the ways of the culture and atmosphere that college experience brings, I also like to play drinking games”. What do you drink? “Beer, I don’t like to drink hard alcohol”, he stated. Is it easy for you to get alcohol even though you are not of age (he is 20), and do you worry about getting in trouble? “Yes, it is easy for me to get alcohol and no, I don’t worry about getting in trouble with the law. I’m pretty responsible when it comes to my drinking”. The last question asked of him was do you have your drinking under control? He said “yes, I know my limits, so I know when it is quitting time for the night”.

After looking at all the information collected, I have decided to share some of my binge drinking habits. When I think of myself I do not consider myself a binge drinker. I consider myself an average Wisconsin college student. When I was a first year student I would go out every Thursday – Saturday and get drunk. Now that I’m in my third year I have clam down with my drinking. I will go out maybe two times a weekend, but it is not about to see how drunk I can get. When you are younger I think that you think you need to go out every night on the weekends to be cool and fit it. When I was younger it was just as easy for me to get alcohol that is now that I am of age. When I was underage I was not worried about getting in trouble with the law. I think my attitude change with drinking last year when I was on spring break in Panama City Beach. My second night there I got to the point of blacking out pretty early in the night. The next day was the roughest day of my drinking experiences. I could not keep food or water down no matter how much my body needed the nourishment. I was pale looking and experiencing hot and cold sweats. The group of guys I was with considered taking me hospital so I could get help for alcohol poisoning. I probably should have gone, but I started to show signs of getting better so I was not taken in.

Binge drinking is a serious thing if it is not understood, what it is and what it causes. I feel ever since that day down in Panama City Beach I have learned my lesson. I don’t go out with the goal of getting drunk, or to the point that I will throw up all over the place. I mean let’s face it that is not fun anyway so why would you want to get to that level.

Work Cited
SAMHSA. "Binge Drinking in Adolescents and College Students." Web. 08 May 2010.
"Binge Drinking on College Campuses." Dec. 2008. Web. 08 May 2010.

“Binge Drinking in College."Grant Gysbers, Matt Karbula. Personal interview. 08 May 2010.
Asher Roth. "I Love College." Rec. 12 May 2009. Asleep in the Bread Aisle. Mike Caren, 2009. CD.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Paper coming together

Today I finally feel like I know really know where I going with my paper. The paper is going to have facts about binge drinking, then it is going to mainly high light all the consequences of drinking it has on your body and your life.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


My research on college students binge drinking is going well. I have found great informant on the internet and I have found some good stuff in a couple of books that I found in the library. I feel that alot of the imformant I found is stats.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Earth Day

Have we forgot what earth day is about as American's. When Earth Day started 40 years ago. It was not about making money. It is about us as American's helping saving this wonderful earth that we have here. Over the past years Earth day has also became about bussiness making money on this special day. As Leslie Kaufman from the New York Times stated; the day has turned into a premier marketing platform for selling a variety of goods and services, like office products, Greek yogurt and eco-dentistry. When the event started 40 years about, I dont think that is what the people had in mind.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ken Robinson-video

First of all I would like to say that I enjoyed listen to that video. Ken Robinson was a funny guy. It was just not him up there talking about the topic of school and creative. He made it fun and enjoyable to watch. I agree with him, that, we don’t let kids be more creative. Kid’s minds are so creative and we don’t give them the chance to showcase it. We are too busy telling them to put there imagine away, and take out your text books. Do get me wrong the core classes are very important. I thing that we need to give them more time to let their minds be free and be creative.

I always hated it when you had an English class and the teacher told you what you had to write about. I didn’t like how it limited me to what I could write about. So I would write the paper on the topic the teacher picked. I would do well on it. I feel if I could have picked what I wanted to write about it would have been better, because it would have had more meaningful to me. That is a case of school not letting me use my creative side when it comes to writing. I understand that sometime you need to tell the students what to write about. You don’t need to tell them every time though.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Free write 3-coaching

When I was a sophomore up through my senior year I got the great honor to help coach one of my hometown youth hockey teams. It was a bantam A team. Bantams are mostly 7th and 8th graders. Sometimes you will have 9th grader if they meet the age requirement and don’t want to play high school hockey. I coached the team with my old bantam coach, and my older cousin. It was a great opportune for me to learn a better understanding of the game. It also gave me a chance to give back to youth program that helped me develop as a player and as a person. The big thing it taught me was responsibly. I learned that I had an obligation to these kids, their parents, and the other coaches. They were all counting on me to be there for games and practice, at the same time you have give a hundred and ten percent for every one, just like the players. I also had to give up my weekends and two nights a week for the seasons. I had to learn how to manage my time better than I did before I started coaching. On the week days I balanced school, my hockey practice, homework, and coaching. On the weekends I balanced homework, coaching, having a social life, and an occasional game of my own to play in.

My junior year was the best and most fun I had coaching. We had a great group of players that wanted to learn and improve their game. We played all the bigger programs around the state. When we played those bigger programs we would beat them or at the very least compete with them. When I say we played bigger programs it is like a division 3 team playing a division 1 or 2 team. We were the division 3 team. That same year we made it to state for bantam 3A. We went into that weekend feeling good. All the teams that were there we had already beaten. So we thought we would be a shoe in to play in the championship game. As anyone can tell you, when it comes to playoffs anything can happen, and that is exactly what happened. Our first game we played a team we had beaten three times. We ended up losing that game by one. After that game we had a chat with the kids and told them not to get down. “We still have one more game today, so let’s go out and play the game we know we can play.” So they went out later that day and won. We went on to play the next day for 5th place. We won and took home a 5th place finish. Not what we wanted, but it is what we got along with a great learning experience.

Monday, March 1, 2010

T.E.D Prize

After watching the TED videos, it got me thinking what I would do to change the world. There are so many things that could be changed; pollution, natural resources running out, and poverty just to name a few of problems the world is facing. If I won the TED prize I would focus on the United States first. The US has a lot of their own problems that as a country need to fixed. The two main problems I would try to fix is the obesity problem that we are facing. Second, I would like to work on something to help the Hispanic learn English. There are many other problems that the US is facing, but these are the two I feel would make a big difference if solutions were found.

After watching the Jamie Oliver video I believe that obesity is a big problem that we have in the United States. I think that we need to start at young age educating people about healthy choices. Parents need to teach their kids to eat health from the get go. Once they are taught to eat healthy at home; we can keep it going by enforcing those habits in school. I don’t mean just at lunch but in the classrooms as well. We need to teach the youth how to take care of their bodies and provide them with the necessary nutrients. Teaching them how to cook the right foods would be a good start. I think that every school at some point should show the movie Super Size Me. It will make to you think twice about going to a fast food restaurant.

The second thing I would do is try to find away to help the Hispanic population that doesn’t speech English to learn how to speak English. I say this because for two summers I work in a factory where 90 percent of the employees were Hispanic. Out of those 90 percent, only about 10 percent of those could speak English well. It was so hard to work with people that I could not understand. This made it hard for the production line to get the product out efficiently. I think that companies or the government need to do something to help get everyone on the same page.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Free Write

My favorite childhood memory would have to be my summers going up to the family cottage. We went up to our family cottage every Sunday during the summer. The cottage is on Lake Deneveu. It is a little private lake that is south of Fond Du Lac Wisconsin. It is only a mile long by half a mile wide. It is only a 25 minute drive from my house. It is shared by all my aunts and uncles from my dad side of the family. It’s a good time because I get to see all my cousins which is really nice for me because I’m an only child. My grandparents are the ones that live there. It is nice to get to see them and catch up with them.
Everyone gets up there around 11 o’ clock. It is neat because everyone brings something to contribute to for lunch. We all sit around in the living room and catch up on what is going on with everyone in there life. It is mainly the adults talking about all the gossip that has happen in town that week. The little kids will be in other living room watch a TV show on Disney. The older kids will be listening to what the adults are talking about, and having side conversation about that they did that week, or how their summer is going. It is great to have everyone together in one place. Usually in the background there will be a TV on with a baseball game or a golf game going on. It would not be a day at the lake without some conversation in detail about some hockey matter. I say that because out of my 20 cousins 15 of play hockey. That is where is can get a little heated. It is all in good fun though; no one takes it to heart.
After lunch it is time to go down to lake. Once down there that is when the good times begin. The little kids will go out to the sand bar and play out there with one of the dad selected to go out there; which is usually Uncle Kenny, because he is still the biggest kid out of any of us. The other adults will sit on the pontoon or on land with grandpa and grandma and talk with them. For the kids you can find them in the sand bar or on the boat tubing, wakeboarding, or knee boarding. I love to go wakeboarding, and that is just me and my older cousin Carl. Carl is the one that drive the boat when we go tubing or wakeboarding, because it’s his boat he got for high school graduation gift. You can find some of the little ones up on shore making waterfalls in the sand pit right by our pier. I think that is a tradition, because every grandchild has had a phase of making waterfalls in the sand pit.
I love going to the cottage on Sundays; because it just gives me that family value that is good to have. I mean how many families can say that they get six brothers and sisters together with their kids once a week and have a good time. There are many reason why this is my favorite childhood memory. Here are just a couple, because if I told you all of them just from the lake I would have a novel to tell you. The cottage is one of my favorite places to go. Now that I’m older I understand that this is something a lot of families don’t do. So I hope when I have kids that my cousins and I still keep this tradition going.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Choice

So for this blog entry we get to pick what topic we want to write about. When Sheila told us that, I was really excited. Awesome I finally get to choose what I want to write about. This task however was not as simple as thought it was going to. As I sit in my room looking around trying to think of something to write about. I keep drawing blanks. After spending sometime looking around my room, listen to the Dave Matthews Band, and surfing the web I finally got it. As I was looking around my room my hockey sticks caught the corner of my eye. I will write about my past time as a child; Playing pond hockey.
Playing pond hockey as a child was the only thing I did in my free time. In between school, homework, hockey practice, and traveling the state on the weekend to play hockey, it was pond hockey. Every since I was a little kid I always had my own rink in my backyard. I would say from the age of four all the way till I was thirteen when I grew too big to skate on it. I can remember my dad in the fall putting up the boards and lights. He would also get up an hour early in the morning just to go out and water the rink, so I would have a nice smooth sheet of ice to skate on. I didn’t care how cold it was outside I would go skate for hours on end. I would get home from school, put my skates on, and skate till supper. Then after supper go out and skate again till it was time for bed. I didn’t care if I was skating by myself which happened most of the time since I am an only child. I was in my own little world and nothing else mattered.
Now that I’m 21, I still find myself going back to my childhood. I go down to the park by the Loggers field and skating for hours, and it still doesn’t matter if anyone else is there or how cold it is outside. Because it is place where I can forget what is going on in my life and just get lost in the moment. I love going down there and seeing little kids. They remind me of myself at that age and sometimes I will play a little pickup game with them. It brings me back to my childhood. That is why hockey is such an important aspect of my life. No matter how old I get “it’s always a great day for hockey” said by the famous Bob Johnson, former Wisconsin Badgers hockey coach.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ted Response

First, I would like to say that this is a pretty cool thing they are doing for the young. The one thing that stuck in my head was something he said in the beginning about how they let the kids "pick up sticks, hammers, and other dangerous things." Another thing that he said on the same topic was that they are trusted not to hurt themselves or the other people around them.

I like this concept for a couple of different reasons. The first is the kids are being treated as an adult and are being trusted with "big boy tools." I think that a child will take that as "wow; they trust me to use these tools." I think a child will see this as a big deal, to be given that trust. It gives them self confidence to do things on their own, instead of having people always telling them how to act and do things. This way they can new try things on their own and not have to worry if they are doing things the right or wrong way.

This camp also gives them the tools they will need to be successful in life. What I mean is that someone is not always going to tell them what to do for their whole life. This camp teaches them independence at an early age. It will give them the life skills that they will need to be functional in society. Also it will make them less likely to be dependent on someone to help them with things.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Hello all, my name is Grant Gysbers I'm 21 year old, an only child. I come from a small town Waupun. It is two and half hours away from La Crosse. I'm in the marketing program. In the summer time enjoy fishing, wakeboarding, golfing, or just spending time out on the lake. In the winter time I love to play, coach, and watch hockey. Also I like to ice fish, and snowboard. I like to watch the TV shows Entourage, weeds, Dexter, and Two and a Half Men. I like to listen to all types of music. I'm pretty laid back and easy to get along with.